Signed in as:
Bellevue Village Trustee:
Re-elected two year term, 04/16/2024 - 04/20/2026. Elected two year term, 04/19/2022 - 04/15/2024 .
Friends of Bellevue Parks: Volunteer since 2014
Ethics Board: Since May 2019
Bellevue Business & Professional Association: Volunteer webmaster since 2022. Board Member 2013-2022 and Secretary 2017-2022
Economic Deve
Bellevue Village Trustee:
Re-elected two year term, 04/16/2024 - 04/20/2026. Elected two year term, 04/19/2022 - 04/15/2024 .
Friends of Bellevue Parks: Volunteer since 2014
Ethics Board: Since May 2019
Bellevue Business & Professional Association: Volunteer webmaster since 2022. Board Member 2013-2022 and Secretary 2017-2022
Economic Development Advisory Board: Prior 6 year Board Member 2013-2019
Respect Land ~ Add Choices ~ Increase Value ~ Improve Community
Long-range: Deliberate choices for infrastructure investments and pavement management to shape the community.
Mid-range: Create and expand parks, parkways, walkways, and trails, to enhance the quality of life of residents.
Short-range: Enhance digital strategies to safeguard con
Respect Land ~ Add Choices ~ Increase Value ~ Improve Community
Long-range: Deliberate choices for infrastructure investments and pavement management to shape the community.
Mid-range: Create and expand parks, parkways, walkways, and trails, to enhance the quality of life of residents.
Short-range: Enhance digital strategies to safeguard continuity during increased volumes or in times of crisis.
I married my husband, Mark, in 1998. Our son graduated from a Wisconsin University in December 2023.
We built a Victorian style home near Josten Park as a nod to our appreciation of antiques, history, and artisanship.
Mark plays the percussion Cajón with ACME Pickers.
I am a 1991 graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay with a degree in Business Administration.
I have resided in Brown County since 1991 and in Bellevue since 2001.
I was a 20-year business owner (1999 - 2019) of Pension Inc., a financial services business.
My areas of expertise centered on legal & compliance inside qualified retirement plans, along with leadership & vision execution in the President role for 10 years.
My 30-year tenure with Pension Inc. concluded with my retirement in July of 2021.
In the mornings, you will find me at the Kroc Center in Fitness Classes and on the Pickleball Courts!
You'll also find me traversing the multi-use trails and sidewalks along Lime Kiln, Allouez Avenue, as well as in, around, and near Josten Park.
Cultivating a community is a balance of vision and investment.
My Bellevue Vison: Green spaces & retail places.
Strong Towns produces three podcasts: the Strong Towns Podcast, The Bottom-Up Revolution, and Upzoned. This page is your one-stop shop for the latest episodes of all three.
Communicator, author, and pastor Andy Stanley founded Atlanta-based North Point Ministries (NPM) in 1995.
Roger Whitney guides you on how to create a great retirement, both financially and personally, while living your best life today.
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